Outline for Building Life Experience Assessment Portfolio

The Assessment Portfolio arranges one’s life history for credit evaluation. 文档 is the key element to verify the educational value of prior experiential learning. The assessment of the portfolio measures this learning and helps recognize and demonstrate competence. The focus is on self assessment and attainment of these competencies.
注意: Assessment is a process that leads to the evaluation of experiential learning for college credit. Evaluation estimates and assigns college credit.

The assessment portfolio is central to your planning. Your strategy for achieving degree credit hinges upon how well you prepare your experiences in portfolio for review by your evaluator.

You may begin building your portfolio, using the following outline:

  1. 前言
    State your educational goals. State your immediate short‐range and long‐range educational and personal goals. 总结你的优点. 什么 have you been doing that was a learning experience? 完成任务分析. 你的缺点是什么?? 什么 do you need to improve?
  2. 介绍
    Write a narrative resume (much like a job resume) or an autobiography. 你去哪儿了?? 你现在在哪里?? 你要去哪里?? Describe significant competencies for which you will request college‐level credit.
  3. 信用证要求
    完成一个“目录搜索.” Identify each course listed in the Hudson Valley Community College catalog that teaches knowledge equivalent to what you have learned. Then, request credits equal to each course description.
  4. 的理由
    Describe the knowledge you gained through learning experiences. You must justify the credits requested. 什么? 在哪里? 当? 如何? 与谁? Describe the conditions under which your learning took place. Write a narrative description for each course requested. Each narrative must approximate or exceed knowledge described in the course identified in the catalog search. Are your learning experiences of the same quality as college teaching? 的理由 guarantees the quality of your learning.
  5. 文档
    提供证书, diplomas and third‐party letters from employers and/or other qualified persons who know and can confirm your experiences.


Guenther Enrollment 服务 Center, Suite 231


有规律: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. 到5点.m.

Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): 周一至周四,上午8点.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed